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PalTakats's picture

yep, Lecco Acro Show was great, just waiting for some pictures from Giorgio (the organizer) to share them here.

audacium's picture

Hi Pál, Thanks! How was Lecco?

I have to be at work until Wednesday, so I will come down to Gerlitzen in Wednesday evening! Leave me some air for training :-).

Cya, Eduard.

PalTakats's picture

Picsor: my favourite pilot picture: "Putyilove" :-)))))

Eduard: I am at Gerlitzen now, and the others will also join me here soon. If you have some time, come here!

Cool+Saci: whazzup at the Dunes?

cool's picture

Yeah, you uploaded red-bugs even....

Arrébb mentünk egy kicsivel, a bogarak ha lehet még agresszívebbek Ager-ben viszont zöld színben pompáznak, Sicci tekert egy jót, most meg Dunén adjuk a kegyelemdöfést az ernyőmnek.


audacium's picture

Nice pictures, thank you very much! Eduard.