16 years ago
It appears that the DIVX movies do not work. The player loads, you press play, it says connecting, then it says buffering 0% and it will not load. look here to see an example http://www.justacro.com/video/acro-tricks/tumbling
It appears that the DIVX movies do not work. The player loads, you press play, it says connecting, then it says buffering 0% and it will not load. look here to see an example http://www.justacro.com/video/acro-tricks/tumbling
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Hi guys!
If I have a little time, I'll upload all the tricks videos to vimeo, so we can forget the divx player and no need to install the plugin. It was good with Stage6, but then they closed the website...
I checked and I do have the latest version, I can get it to work in firefox but not Internet explorer
Shane Murphy
it works also for me. Just install the DivX webplayer from here: http://www.divx.com/divx/windows/webplayer/
my player loads, says connecting, buffering 100% and then it shows the video .... seems that your player is not up to date ...