4 years ago
The best Acro pilot I know, who's also a really cool guy, will be giving a clinic next month in Colombia for anyone that wants to get into or progress in Aerobatics. Cesar Arevalo started flying with 8 years old and he was 3rd in the world in 2019.
Learn from him everything you need to know to have lots of safe fun up there! From planing your rounds and using the box, correct way to throw your reserve in different incidences, types of cravats and stalls to get them out to detailed theory on how to do the tricks you want to learn, psychological tips, etc.
This theory course is 10 days long with the lake by your side to practice it all and receive feedback throughout. All inclusive logistics with accommodation, shuttles to launch, meals, as many water landings as you need, instruction by a top of the world pilot and a great and fun learning environment for $1200 USD
Six spots available.
More detailed info at https://highwindparagliding.com/macanal.html
PD: Traveling to Colombia is pretty smooth for tourists right now. Contact me if you need help planing your trip