2 years ago
Hi y'all,
I am looking for a harness that is smaller and lighter than usual acro harnesses, prefarably reversable, but hopefully still strong.
It is meant for traveling and dunes where a big heavy Acro3 is not so easy to handle.
I broke a lightweight hike n fly harness last year and nearly shit myself :-D
Only having one reserve inside would be ok, adding a front container when doing acro.
Do you know/recommend a harness like that?
Thanks for your input.
PS: I know all harnesses are tested to the same standard but that only says they don’t break at the test force, not that some harnesses can take much more force than the ultra light ones before breaking.
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The Swing harness is the same as a Woody Valley Wani Light 2. Many people in our community do SIV and some acro with it, it seems to be sturdy enough.
Thankcs for the tips.
I also saw the swing connect reversable harness to be one of the few with a seat plate.
Anyone experiance with this one?
PS: broken harness was a supair hike n fly harness. the crack was not savety relevant in the end but it scares you alot when you feel and hear it tear apart under you and you sudenly sit kind of assymetrically in the harness:-)
The Independence Freestyle 2 is pretty light. Which hike and fly harness did you break? Sometimes I use the Advance Easiness 3 for helis and mistys.