My reserve is 11yrs old. The manafacturer says it has a 12 yr lifespan. How can i tell when its worn out? Apart from visual inspection can a porosity test be done? Its a X one 90kg.
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by Jeromej
9 months ago
You could ask a parachute rigger or the manufacturer to check. There are different tests available (porosity, fabric strength, lines length and strength/elasticity...), but frankly, if it was handled with care with not too many low speed openings, I would simply do a visual check.
Parachute for skydiving have no more time lifespan, the old 20 years (with some exceptions for some pilot emergency parachute), conditions is the criteria.
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You could ask a parachute rigger or the manufacturer to check. There are different tests available (porosity, fabric strength, lines length and strength/elasticity...), but frankly, if it was handled with care with not too many low speed openings, I would simply do a visual check.
Parachute for skydiving have no more time lifespan, the old 20 years (with some exceptions for some pilot emergency parachute), conditions is the criteria.