11 years ago
Hi all,
I bought a JustAcro D-Bag and I'm very happy about it
Here is a video of some good time using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m7EarXu9fM
Thank you to the Just Acro team for this good toy :-)
Hi all,
I bought a JustAcro D-Bag and I'm very happy about it
Here is a video of some good time using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m7EarXu9fM
Thank you to the Just Acro team for this good toy :-)
Latest Comments
Cool video.
Can I ask you a few questions.
I would like to do something similar in a few months when my brother and I get our
Tandem licence.
1. what height are you jumping from.
2. What size engine are you using. (Do you think a 125cc will be ok)
3. What size wing is your tandem.