A different kind of T-shirt from a new brand!

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Beginners mind's picture

Thanks Gunnar, great feedback!
We will definitely be doing the cotton t-shirts in different base colours. But first Hoodies, Caps and neck tubes.

see you aloft

acromarmot's picture

Hi Ivan,

First off: great logo, really. The circle with the glider...That could be another shirt, simple but ...so what?
Actually I like some of the shirts but cannot decide to buy as most of the men's section is white-based. Sorry, but white is a no-go for me. So in the men's section I like the polygon glider designs and the acro learning scheme. With women's it's again the polygon glider and the maillon flower (that one would work for men as well ;- )). I think I'll order one or two but if you could offer a different base colour but white...would be even greater.

Thanks anyways, great idea and really nice design and webite/-shop .


Beginners mind's picture

! The above went a bit shit! Well never mind. Just wanted to say: check out the new online shop,you are my target customer so any feedback and critique would be very welcome. Thanks Ivan