9 years ago
Hello Folks
Im looking for a easy manageable Freestyle/Acro glider which is also suitable for thermal flights (not just in 6m/s hoses).
Problem: Allover weight is approx. 110 kg. (20m2 is allready small :))
Gliders on my criteria:
EmiliePeace 25m2
SophieHigh 25m2 (Big difference to Emilie???)
Freestyle3 24m2
Octane2 25m2
Most other wings are <22m2 and thats def. too small for my Imagination..
I prefer fun and contours flying instead of xc but a 30-60min flight isnt that bad :-) Also AsySpiral, Sat, WO, maybe Heli but over all i like a glider with good handling (direct) and not too long braketravel in normal flight.
I like to use the new Glider as my Nr1 Wing. Beside of a miniwing, a wing for the dunes and a tandem.
THX for the support :)
Latest Comments
Hi Bruno,
I have a Takeoff Weight of around 105kg (85 personal weight) and fly the Octane 2 25 now since this spring. It is a very good choice to learn deepstalls, flybacks, helis. Wingovers are also super easy.
But for the more agressive positive maneuvers i would recommend a more agressive glider. For example: I work on my asymetric sats. They are very easy and safe to learn with this glider and you can get a high amplitude. BUT: i loose ALOT of height during these maneuvers.
The other thing is the brake travel and the brake pressure. I shortened the Brakes by 15cm so that i dont need to take a wrap for sats / stalls. The brake pressure is good for most maneuvers, but when i try rythmic sats i feel like someone is trying to break my shoulder ;)
The Octane 2 is really not the most efficient wing for fast positive maneuvers. Glide is pretty bad, thermalling is okay (around 1.5-1.7m/s sinkrate), accelerated glide is not even close to flying ;)
I also had the chance to fly a Emilie Peace 22 this fall. Its a whole different world. I loved the positive maneuvers on her, but i am glad, that i was allowed to learn the negatives on the Octane before trying on the Emilie. Not saying that they are hard on her, but i would have been scared without the octane experience. Glide was surprisingly good, and thermalling was so much fun. My first flight was almost 2 hours. Didnt try accelerated flight tough. I will definetly buy a Emilie next year, fell totally in love.
I cant say really much about the other 2 gliders. I tested only U-Turn Redout 21, Instinct Acro 2, Advance Zeta. But from what i have heard i think they are a mix of octane / emilie.
I would say Octane is the easiest wing, Emilie the hardest (only in this comparison). The other 2 are in between. The Freestyle 3 is said to be a good alround wing, with relatively good glide. But not so easy in negatives. What i heard about the Sophie: Not a really big difference to the Emilie, can be a beast in Wingovers. But like i said, i could test it myself yet :(
When you are already experienced with all kind of stalls i would prefer the Emilie / Sophie / FS3. When you want to learn the negatives i would recommend the Octane2.
My way was to learn the negatives on the Octane 2 25 and next year i will switch to an Emilie. Happy with that :)
Here tested by http://justacro.com/pilots/massif
Cheers !