6 years ago
I'm based in the NW part of the United States. Instead of another Valle de Bravo/XC geared trip I'm considering a freestyle/beginner acro oriented trip for next winter. I would be looking at a 2 week block of time between December 2019 and the end of February 2020.
I'm probably most interested in information specific to central/south america.
Sites I would like to know more information about:
1) lake atitlan, Guatemala - information and links that I've found seem to be broken or out of date, it seems like information on this site has been sparse for the last 10 years; perhaps this is related to Guatemala becoming more dangerous for foreign travelers? Is this site still in use? Are there still local pilots? If you have flown it in the past would it be a worthwhile destination?
2) Yahuarcocha Lake, Ecuador - information and links that I've found seem to be broken or out of date for this local as well. same questions: Is this site still in use? Are there still local pilots? If you have flown it in the past would it be a worthwhile destination?
Other leads that seem to be dead ends for me at the moment:
- https://www.youtube.com/user/parapentesnet - i don't see an option to contact this youtube user, paracesar1997. - over the water(ish) site in Colombia, same questions: s this site still in use? Are there still local pilots? If you have flown it in the past would it be a worthwhile destination?
- acrolatino.com - anyone know who these guys are or how to get in touch with them? seems like they were active at one point, but links seem to be dead ends now.
Other info:
- I'm not overly excited about cost or travel time of European winter island sites such as El Hierro, Maderia, Tenerife, etc.
- From what I understand this time frame sounds like the wrong time for oludeniz - plus not overly excited about this site for some reason, seems like trip reports always go "we had fun, but..."
- maybe the island of martinique would make some sense? - I speak some spanish but no french, first hand experiences anyone?
- Iquique - been there done that 2x, life is short, not sure how many times I need to repeat certain trips ;)
- Pokarah Nepal - long travel time, been there done that (although that was a kayaking trip, so maybe I could consider returning for the over the water flying?)
Anyone know of other sites/beginner acro friendly communities (brazil, costa rica, colombia, mexico) that might make sense for that time frame?
Thanks a ton,