11 years ago
Hi there,
I will move to Barcelona in a few weeks. Are there any acro pilots or is there even a club? Are there some sites nearby that are suitable for acro in winter? Or maybe costal soaring? Or should I rather bring a large glider, for march and april? Oh, and what about speed flying? :-)
By the way, does anyone know about license or insurance in Spain? I have the swiss license (including speed flying) and IPPI4.
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Just a quick question, which mobile provider should i choose for good reception and maybe even internet?
Thanks & cheers,
Thanks guys!
Of course Organya was on my radar when I applied for the job ;-), but I was not aware that you can fly there already from march! Looks like I have to arrive with the big backpack already ...
Organyà is at a two hours drive ;-) You can't dream for a better place :-) flyable from 12pm to the night and I think it starts to be okey in March. To be honnest you will not have the best flying conditions until May/June but still it is better than any other places.
Well, you are moving to free flight paradaise!! I lived in Barcelona for 5 years. There are many sites near Barcelona and you are around two and a half hours from Organya, Ager, 4 hours to Castejon de Sos, 20 minutes to Las Malloles, One hour to Berga, etc...
Here are some contacts of very friendly and nice people around Barcelona:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/bertigent/?fref=ts (Local club, great people most o f them from Barcelona)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/175305215858410/?fref=ts (site very close to Barcelona low altitude but really fun place to fly, strong wind soaring)
http://www.tandemteam.es/speedriding-speedflying/ (info about speedriding, get in touch with them)
If you get in touch via facebook with the bertigent club I am sure you are going to meet a lot of nice people and places, about acro pilots? from may just go to fly to Organya one weekend and you will meet them all!!!!
Good luck and enjoy Catalunya, great country!!!!!!