10 years ago
Hello everyone,
in May I was in Alaska with two friends - Seb and Andi, to start a big paragliding and speedflying adventure.
Unfortunately our time over there was overshadowed by a very bad crash... our good friend Steve broke his back in front of Sebastians eyes with his paraglider and was flown into hospital right away.
Steve and Seb were together at Hatchers Pass, when Steve got into a very strong sink right after the start. The downwind and the turbulences were so strong that the wing went into a stall. Steve was only about 15 m high and his airbag was not yet filled so shortly after the takeoff. With an open wing he crashed onto a rock on the ground and broke 3 vertebras.
Steve is one of the kindest and most helpful people which I know. We have been his guests for the second time now, and he was always caring for us and gave us all he had - without asking for any return.
When he was carried into the rescue heli he was shouting to another friend that Sebastian has to get to McCarthy to fly out to the project, and that he cannot drive him there now, and somebody else should help Seb now.
Really touching...
Unfortunately Steve has no health insurance - just as we know from many Americans. You can think about this in any way you want - and I think that it was a learning lesson for him and for many pilots over there.
After 12 hours of surgery he has some little feeling in his toes again - he might be able to walk again in a couple of years. Until then, he has to go down a long and costly way of physiotherapy. He will walk again I am sure! He wanted to come to Europe to visit us - so that we can show him our flying spots. His dream is to fly in the Dolomites one day.
So I am asking you if you could please help Steve so that this dream comes true - to be able to walk again, come over to Europe and fly with us!
Have a look at this fundraiser, maybe you can help!
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Hi, the web page does not work! I can not find Steve on the list YouCaring.com
I am happy to help, Please fix it. Hope the goal will be achieved.