Private acro course with Pál Takáts in Italy


I. 10-15 May 2022 (0 places available)
II. 17-22 May 2022 (0 place available)
III. 24-29 May 2022 (0 places available)

- Maximum 3 participants per group.

- Combining instructional tandem and solo training flights.

- Powered by the Master Acro instructional videos (incl. in the package).

- All focus on Your progression!

- Flying at one of the best training spots on the planet.

- From beginner to professional level.

Click here for all the details.

The 2nd Aerobatics World Championships is cancelled... (again)

After 8 successfull editions of one of the oldest and most celebrated acro paragliding competitions the organizers of Acroaria has announced that due to economical reasons and lack of sponsors, they are unable to run the World Championships in Omegna in august 2010...
Just like in 2008 when the same thing happened with the norwegien Vertigo-Voss. The both cases (as well as last year's cancelled comps) clearly show nowadays difficult situation that the event organizers has to face, who are often risking their own money to keep the competition scene alive for us in a sport which somehow doesn't attract thousands of spectators, the medias and big sponsors...

Read the official release of the organization committee of Acroaria

Acrolatino - the south american acro meeting!


ACROLATINO 2009 – 7th Edition of the ULTIMATE Paragliding Acromeeting in South America from 26th till 29th of November.

ACROLATINO is one of the most important Acro Competitions of South America and will give points to the participants for the 1st SOUTH AMERICAN ACROBATICS RANKING. It's not only a sporting event, it's a yearly meeting between expert and novice pilots practising new techniques, sharing experiences and above all, their passion for free flight, paragliding and acrobatic manoeuvres.
The meeting point will be the famous Yahuarcocha Lake where we watch the energy of each pilot as their passion and emotion produce pure adrenaline and breathe taking manoeuvres!

3 days of Paragliding Acro Competition with two categories: JUNIOR (Beginners) and ELITE (Advanced)

More information at:

Revoluttion 2009 - the first Spanish Acro Championship

A report about the Revolittion 2009 competition by Raul Rodriguez Acro World Champion and winner of the first official Spanish Acrobatics Paragliding Championship:

RR - "Finally after 10 years competing we had our first national acrobatics paragliding championship in Spain. It was the first weekend of September in the Sant Antoni Lake in La Pobla de Segur, Lleida.
The lake is one and a half hours away from Organya where all the participating pilots were training the previous weeks before the championship. In these trainings we could see the level of the new spanish acro talents. For me and the rest of the SAT pilots it was surprising to see that many of these pilots controlling perfectly their manouevres, their drifts and management of altitude. Still, two of the pilots had to use the rescue parachute in the last days of trainings...

The justACRO story: Adrenaline and Turbulence

A film dedicated to Mathias Roten.

Adrenaline and Turbulence (a film directed by András Kollmann) looks deep into the acro paragliding scene, presenting and interviewing many of the world's top pilots as they have never seen before. It’s the story of the justACRO Team - two motivated pilots from a flat country, who decide to give up their lives and make their dreams come true...

„An action film, an educational tool, a road movie and a story of personal triumph, Adrenaline and Turbulence is a movie that wears many hats”
Bob Drury

“Pál Takáts and Gábor Kézi’s acro film is a new classic. Refreshingly, it doesn’t feature any monologues about life lessons or living in the moment – it simply revels in the sheer fun of it all. And rather than just being a collection of whacky stunts it stands alongside the classic Never Ending Thermal as an engaging, intelligent, well-shot film that tells a proper story. It even has a good soundtrack."

“It’s also educational and informative. Not in a ‘now weightshift left’ way, although there is a bit of that in the extras (and it’s well done), but in framing the whole acro scene, from its roots in the early 1990s, to today, where pilots like Pál and Gábor can pick up the sport and within a few years be on the podium. (...) It explains where the sport has come from, talks to the people who developed it, touches on acro’s slow, dangerous, two decades of development, and presents it as an accessible standalone discipline. All while showcasing some stunning flying in beautiful places…"
Ed Ewing - DVD review in the Cross Country magazine (sept/oct. 2009)

Adrenaline and Turbulence Film Festival Awards:

Spirit of Aviation - Air Film Festival Budapest - Grand Prize

Les Diablerets Mountain Film Festival / Diable d’Or, catégorie Freeride/Sport extrêmes (Best extreme sport film)

Coupe Icare / Icares du Cinema - Icare d'Or (Golden Icarus) Grand Prize of the festival

Click here if you would like to get a copy of the Adrenaline and Turblulence DVD

justACRO D-Bag courses in Switzerland!

Attention! For experienced pilots only!

Ready for a new thrill?!?
Jump from tandem paraglider - D-Bag course with the justACRO Team

Let your experts Gábor Kézi and Pál Takáts guide you into the world of this unique start technique! No mather if you are an acro freak or a serious cross country pilot who want to start an XC flight early from a hot-air balloon, we will show you how to get there safe!
The only minimum requirements to participate in this course are to be able to perform stall maneuvers safely and know how to manage twists and cravattes.

Location: Walensee, Switzerland.
Take-off site: Schrina (1320m AMSL)
Landing place: Walenstadt (425m AMSL)

- 17th October (reserve day 18th)
- 7th November (reserve day 8th)

Thomas' Second D-Bag from Thomas Kuehne on Vimeo.