17 years ago
Official website:
As the part of the great Extremesportsweek event this competition started in 2002 and since then it’s held every year hosted by the sportive little town of Voss.
The local flying site Hanguren does not provide enough height over the lake for a safe contest. So in 2003 all pilots started from helicopter (by d-bag jumps) for the first time in the history of acro competitions. Back then 84 successful jumps were done. Like this the contest became a lot more spectacular, and almost independent from the weather.
Since then the competition is mainly held by boat towing that also provides great altitude for the runs.
The local flying site Hanguren does not provide enough height over the lake for a safe contest. So in 2003 all pilots started from helicopter (by d-bag jumps) for the first time in the history of acro competitions. Back then 84 successful jumps were done. Like this the contest became a lot more spectacular, and almost independent from the weather.
Since then the competition is mainly held by boat towing that also provides great altitude for the runs.
Some editions of the event were/are part of the Aerobatics Paragliding World Cup.
Latest Comments
I'll be coming from the USA to compete in the Acro World Tour and this would be very disappointing.
I just emailed Pal Rognoy to see if this is really true!
Nova Dasalla
Team Ozone
Hm...I also knew that they have financial problems, but then I heared that they finally find some sponsors in time. So what's going on now? If it is cancelled I can relax, stop training and fly justXC this season :-))
According to Alex Aimard the 2nd Aerobatics World Championship are cancelled :( !