12 years ago
Hi all,
i've bought a Rogallo parachute, orange ST, some time ago, but never received the packing tool (folding kit).
You know, that bunch of elastic stuff with hooks at the end.
Could someone send me the length of the elastic pieces so that i can make one myself?
I need to re-pack it...
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I´m building the tool by myself too.
1) try to find Nylonhooks which close completly. The original Team 5 hooks gets loose all the time.
2) Original length of the lines 1 to 7 in cm: (thanks Bidi)
45, 32, 25, 22, 21, 26, 33.
3) I added extra 30cm to every rubberline, so my one has:
75,62 etc.
So the elastic parts are longer and dont loose tension as easy as the original Team5 tool.
You need a little bit more space for packing of course.
a have a picture attached of my hooks, you´ll find them in a sailing shop.
6m rubberline with 4mm diamter and 8 hooks did cost 11€ incl. shipping.
take care,