12 years ago
Hello everybody,
Since you have a lot more experience than me, i wanted to ask you, how the Acro 3 harness handles in terms of weightshifting (amount and controlability).
The thing is, i saw that the acro 3 has quiet high hooking points, compared to most "normal" harnesses. My current Cult 3 has actually 5 cm lower hooking points, but i am really unsatisfied with its kinda "digital" weightsift handling (may also be a result of being a size to small for me. Size S, but 173cm/73kg) and the acro 3 in M (should be the fitting size) was recommended to me as a great alternative.
How i said the thing, what i am not really sure about, are those high hooking points which make me fear, that the acro 3 is only to use well with real acro wings which already by nature react more sensitive on weightshifting. I would use it with a "normal" sky anakis 2 and i want to be able to control the weightshifting amount precisely and also have the possibility of "massive" weightshifting. Of course i like the idea of having a harness which is already suitable for performing real acro, so once i am ready to start acro, i do not again need another harness. At the moment im in this Spiral Dive, Wing Over, SAT, Fullstall Phase. and i am eager to learn more but i will stay with my anakis for the moment.
thank you a lot, i really dont want to buy again something not fitting in my still very short paragliding career
Latest Comments
SKYWALK CULT 3 FOR SALE? To everyone who has moved on to a full acro harness, are you willing to sell your Cult 3 harness by any chance? I'm looking for the Cult 3 in the Medium size and can't see myself spending so much for a new one. Please let me know!
@Hyperspace: Which metal parts do you mean exactly? At the frontof the seatboard? Maybe for the optional Speed System. :D
also mit zwei rundkappen drinnen (keine leichtretter!, und ansonsten leer kein paaksack oder ähnliches) komm ich auf 10kg. is schon ziemlich viel.
dann hat deins gar nicht die gurtbandverbindung zwischen rückenlehne und sitzbrett?
Na dann is das neue Acre 3 besser konstruiert – passt! Vielleicht sollte ich upgraden. Weißt du ob das neue vielleicht auch leichter is? Weil meins is schon ein ziemliches Walross.
danke dir nochmal.
also das Fach selber (das schwarze), wo der protektor drinnsteckt, is bei mir komplett vernäht mit dem gurtzeug und hat aber keinerlei verbindung mit dem sitzbrett bzw. der tasche in der das sitzbrett steckt.
Das einzige womit das sitzbrett verbunden ist ist mit der ich sag jetzt mal rückenlehne. zwischen den beiden ist ein gurtband samt klemme, die allerdings nicht wirklich klemmt sondern durchrutscht. meinst du das teil vielleicht? dass das früher aus klett war? ich überleg nämlich das einmal öfterdurchzuschlaufen, damit es richtig klemmt, könnte wir vorstellen das man dann leichter reinrutscht ins gurtzeug., weil die rückenlehne das sitzbrett mitnimmt.
danke dir nochmal.
Liebe Grüße J
So, jetzt muaß i auf Deutsch, sonst kann i des ned erklärn.
Kann echo sein, dass du a neuere Version hast. Aber i hab a ned den Protektor selber gemeint, sondern des Fach, in dem er steckt. Des is unter dem Sitzbrett mit einem dünnen Streifen Klett befestigt. Und der hält einfach ned gut genug.
Die Delle rechts vorne kennen alle Acro 3-Piloten. Das is von Retter zu Retter unterschiedlich ausgeprägt. Das Fach is groß genug für einen Rogallo, daher flattert ein normaler Retter eher herum. Bei mir kommt auch immer wieder die kurze Lasche raus, ein Freund von mir hat diesen Teil etwas mehr zugenäht.
hi fraents,
thank you for the tip.
i just controlled the protector and it seems like there is no velcro on the bottom end of mine. actually the protektors position is just secured by the flap behind the storing compartment. the protector itself has one velcro on the upper end and another one on each side about halfway up. none of them has a counterpart on the harness. Probably i do have a newer version?
Btw does your harness also have a dent on the right rear end of the bottom rescue container, actually just below the rescue handle. the plastic reinforcement there seems a little too big and therefore creates an inward facing dent.
Thank you.
best regards J
Hello Hyperspace.
Congrats to your acro 3. I have one as well, also size M (at 183 cam, 79 kg). Just a little hint:
The protector is held in place by a big flap on the upper, and a velcro on the bottom end. You will see that the velcor on the bottom (under your seat plate) does not hold the protector for a long time, it will get lose and the protector will come out. This is not a big problem, but you will see that your seat positition suddenly is not so comfortable anymore, because you cannot slide in the harness 100%. For this reason I sewed the velcro to fix it, other pilots I know just put duck tape over the velcro.
have fun, take care
Hi guys,
thank you for your comments.
actually i am a proud owner of an acro 3 harness in size m now. hope it works for me. well i am not 180cm but i think size m fits me too. i read here that size s is quiet small. hope it was the right choice...
grzegorzg, since you also own a cult 3... you dont happen to know where the two metal parts in the seatboard section belong? cause they were kinda falling out of my harness glued to eachother, actually some time ago, but since the company didnt give a crap about my emails, asking where those magical parts belong, i used it without ever since. not that they seem to be important, just curious...
HolzingerM, i see youre from austria... if you like we could meet up some time, i would love to try the vertigo...
Hi Hyperspace!
I am an beginning freestyle pilot, but used both harnesses (Skyline Vertigo R2 & SupAir Acro 3) on my RR Rolling.
I'm in a similar situation than you, 1m80cm / 77kg.
The Skiline Vertigo 2R in size M is a little bit to tiny for me when adjusting the harness extremely straigt up for acrobatics so I felt to glide out of the harnes after fullstalls,...
The weightshift is extremely good because of the hooking points in my opinion.
The Supair Acro 3 in size M Fits perfectly for my 1m80cm and it let me adjst also te front of the harness to get a better feeling when set extremely straight up. stl like sitting in a little deepening so more comfortable for me dooing fullstalls,..
The weightshift reaction is a littl bit wors than the Skyline Vertigo 2R.
In sum if the the Acro 3 fitts better to my body, however if i could get an Vertigo in size L and tho option to rise the front of the seat, i would prefer my vertigo which I dont use any more since last year (you can buy it if you like)
best regards,
Hi! Let me know your experiences when you have some! I also fly a Cult 3 ( Nova Mentor) right now but plan to get me a acro harness. Some buddies have a AVA Sport so I will try it in the next months :)
I wouldnt say acro 3 is not suitable with anakis 2. In fact, most sky gliders have a high agility. I could imagine they are a good pair. Best for you would be to just try it, then you know. ;-)
in any case: have fun and take care!
Thank you so much for your comment. So it is true, that the acro 3 should be better used with an acrowing. well i've read about the skyline vertigo 2r, which comes with adjustable carabiner mounting height (sadly they don't write in which dimension, anyone can help out?). Pity i do not find much information about this harness. Can anyone tell me about it? Does it harmonise with a normal glider like the anakis 2? Is it good for starting acro with the before mentioned glider?
Thank you a lot, J
The Acro 3 has indeed very high suspension. What is more the chest strap is really narrow. For manoevers this can be good or bad, depending on how effective you want the weight shift to be. For Acro 3 the weight shift is worse than on most other harnesses.
If you want lower suspended karabiners and a more sensible harness try Ava Acro, however prepare to be in another world with manoevers where you dont need the additional sensibility, like the helico.
regards F