10 years ago
Hi I am an acro beginner.
I do only spirals and Sats. I like to thermal also because I need to gain altitude before doing some acro moves.
I am looking for a wing that could do thermal (also the small one) and enough strong and fast to do more advanced acro move.
Now I flight a Buzz3.
I am 181 cm and my weight is 95 kg ready to flight.
Thank you
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If you have possiblity, try the new U-Turn Redout 21 is, verry good glider. Freestayler aswell and good for thermal.
I know this is an old post but... I can only speak from the AIRG Sophie2 23 I have, a Dudek Freeways 22 I tried today and an FS3 I groundhandled...
AIRG Sophie2 23: love it! But it's not a freestyle wing as they market it, even though the site says that's an intro acro wing. It's exactly that, an intro acro wing, but an acro wing indeed. I noticed a huge difference today when I flew my mates Freeway 22. The Freeway's lines are shorter, less AR and just a bit more of a boxy style build (similar to the FS3), and opening of the cells are bigger. It felt more stable and overall a more benign wing. Brake pressure is less than the Sophie2. But if you bury a brake or start some WOs, the Sophie2 will show you why its an acro wing. It builds up energy pretty damn quick, due to the long lines. Sophie2 has a better glide than the Freeway though, but I can't speak for the FS3...
What did you end up getting in the end and how did you find it???
The F-grav is more or less a real acro glider, not so much a Freestyle glider.
Perfect for a beginner at comps. But not a beginner in acro.
The 22 size can work if you are not a heavy pilot.
I did have the chance to test fly the new Icaro Aquila in Bassanos/Italy spring thermals, and I would like to confirm that Icaro's marketing text on their pdf (http://justacro.com/files/gear/glider/files/icaro_flyer_aquila_en_web_15...)
describes the glider as it's best: "The Aquila is our dedicated freestyle glider. Based on our best thermal profile we were able to combine two worlds: The agility, speed and dynamics of an acro wing and the thermal and handling abilities of a high-level glider"
I'm not an dedicated acro pilot, nor I'm a good XC pilot - but do enjoy both worlds within my limits and this glider just made me smile. It was fun "spiraling up" in the core of the thermal, whilst high performance gliders took the the long, flat turning path around me :-) (but for sure, it thermals up quite well while doing nice flat turns - but it just doesn't made me smile as much as "spiraling up"). I was flying size 20 (or 18, not sure?) at appr. 85kg take off weight and the thermals where more than just a breeze - therefore it was easy to climb up, spiral, wing over, or SAT down and get up high in the air again. The profile likes to bite into thermals and based on the wing load, It felt absolute stable (like most gliders will do on this wing load). SAT is easy: Pull and you are in :-) However, you need to be familiar how to exist a stable spiral, as the wing likes to "drill down" if you allow him to do (it is planned to be certified with D, but as far as I know, the D will only be in the "Spiral exist"). For sure, it can't "compete" with a high performance wing in XC flying - you will loose altitude specially being in accelerator against strong head wind - and I can't not comment/compare it with other Acro gliders as my experience is limited. Summing it up: The Aquila took the good genes out of the two worlds of thermal & acro wings, by avoiding disadvantages of a solely XC or acro glider.
After my long-term relationship with my rugged Ozone Vulcan came to an natural end (still good enogh for dune flying), I now fly the Instinct Acro2 as a replacement.... but think about selling/trading it in for the Aquila - as it has definitely gone a few steps more in technology evolution. If I have the chance, I will use / test fly the Aquila (and maybe the "A" certified wing "Pica" too) by the end of the month above the lake, exposing/testing his behavior a bit more in some standard SIV maneuvers. So like always, and making the long story short: Test fly it and enjoy :-)
F-Gravity, yes. Sorry :-)
You mean F-Gravity, dont you? :P
Don't forget about the Niviuk N-Gravity 2! There is one in size 22 in the market section...
The Bitch is.... well a Bitch.
Not for beginners at all. But for an acropilots who are allready good. The Bitch can be tamed.
The category: U-turn Redout (brand new) , Icaro Instinct acro, Gradient Freestyle2, Ozone Octane FLX2, AirG Sofie
Those are the beginner acrogliders I know of. All of them should also be good for thermalling.
As an U-turn pilot, I would advise you to check out the Redout first :)
I’m also a beginner and search for a good wing. From my search I found a popular pure acro wing around Chamonix is the MacPara Bitch, sizes 18, 20 and 22.