13 years ago
Hi everyone,
I planed to by an acro wings for the next season and will maybe take one of those.
I think the black is better in thermals but is it still a good acro wing compare to the thriller who as maybe a more modern shape?
Do the black has rigifoil?
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I have team 5 black acro M very very fast acro glider,I am tandem pilot in Oludeniz.
Hi, i'm still alive...The wing is so easy! I 've done two full stall, no surge...Lots of energy on wing over, fun wing.
i flew the black 2 16m² one and a half year. it was very nice and good for every manouver. but its really aggressive and not very safe to learn acro!
the best thing it to take a "new generation" acro glider, like the thriller or nearly simmilar gliders SKYLINE BUZZARD or AIRG EMILIE!
they are soft, easy, and perfect for every manouver. ok..they dont have THAT handling like a black or a supersonic.. ;)
Thank you for the answer Gforce,
i'm now the owner of a brand new thriller 20...Tonight first test over lake.
Hope to be still here tomorow ;-)
The best best ACRO wings is Trhiller, I fly with Black 19 Sqm all so but is very "rigid" wings and not realy good in thermal. But Thriller is very soft, forget alot mistake, during the flight. I still fly now with Thriller2K 11, 22 Sqm is the last generation from 2011 and I am happy.