4 years ago
Théo de Blic's tutorials is a free web serie where I give a few usefull tips on various aspect of paragliding. The tips I give are coming from an already long career as a professional pilot in acro paragliding.
In today's episode I am talking about the famous WING OVERs which are one of the basic and most important trick within paragliding.
I tried to give as much details and tips as I could as well as a training program. So this tutorial is a bit longer than what I am used to but it is also a complete guide of how to do wing over with your paraglider ! The whole tutorial is performed with an ION6 from Nova Paragliders. An EN B which should be really similar to the kind of glider a young pilot like you will have when he/she will try his/hers first wing overs.
Please subscribe to my channel, like and share this video in order to support my work. More tutorials are on their ways to the channel this season ! So you better subscribe in order not to miss them !
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Profitez en !