4 years ago
(1 vote)
Training sat to heli reverse this summer it came to me that this connection could be cool.
What attracted me was that it was highly unexpected to end up in Infinit after a Sat To Heli Move. And it kind of concluded the endless search for the fastest rhythmic to infinit. Nothing revolutionary just me trying to push where I can.
Pilot : Théo de Blic
Glider : Nova Paragliders Glitch 14sqm
Latest Comments
Very well done, Congratulations!, and thanks for sharing.
Makes a lot of sense on a 14sqm. It seems, very high energy at SAT exit makes tumbling possible on smaller (heavily loaded) wings!, or is it something else? Is it the pitch energy on SAT exit, which is cleverly and innovatively used to enter into tumbling? The microsecond control and adjustment at SAT exit looks spectacular.