XAkro 2010 Volda Norway CAT2


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The worlds first CAT2 event in 2010 held in Norway Volda at the mountain Rotsethornet 650m asl a very steep hike up. The X2 festival is a ski-event that has expanded much this year also including paragliding XC, Acro, longboard, kayak, downhill/freeride bike http://www.x2ski.no/

We were glad we got invited to have our first Norwegian Cup there also as all Norwegian events a CAT2 event. The international pilots that listet for this event was Siamak Pour Kalantar (IRAN) and Francois Ragolski (FRANCE) Unfortunately Siamak did not get his VISA in time so our only international was Francois.

Since this winter has been extremely cold (global warming) the ice on the lake we planned to overfly for the comp was still frozen so we held the comp above the fjord (seawater) and landed on land dry. No-one landed in the sea :)

The comp was scheduled to be held saturday and sunday 24-25/4 in the acro community, but the organizer had planned to try to do 3-4 runs on saturday only since we rented a helicopter 6 seater and it would be much more expensive to rent it for two days.

The heli was a bit late on saturday and the rescueboat started leaking so we got a bit delayed but still we mananged to finish 3 runs well in time on saturday. 13 pilots started, 11 finished and no surprise I was last :)

We ended the very well organized comp in a big party the saturday where all the other sports met at the same place. If this comp gets held again we hope to see you there, bring warm clothes ;)