13 years ago
(2 votes)
Performed during this eleven-day trip in Tunisia : flights, motorbike, videos, photos, sun, desert,.... :-)
Pascal Vallée (paramotor's french champion) and Fabien Couderc (enduro's french champion) unified their forces on this project to both promote their activities.
Au programme de ce voyage en Tunisie de onze jours : des vols, de la moto, des vidéos, des photos, du soleil, du désert.... :-)
Pascal Vallée (champion de France paramoteur) et Fabien Couderc (champion de France enduro) se sont associés sur ce projet ayant pour but de promouvoir leurs activités respectives.
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Latest Comments
Hollllyyyyy shit! Fantastic shots ! Respect!
Another quality movie – is it new trend to make proper movie?
Dirt bikes and paragliders were always my passion, however I never master them - still learning.
Two types of tyre used for shooting – professional approach.
Well done!