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afischba's picture

It is called the "Gill" Little Clouds comp acro glider, 17m I believe. Not sure if they plan on selling it, hope they do it's a fun wing!

Bruno L's picture

Great pictures!
What is this Little Cloud? It's not a Spiruline, not a Goose ...

afischba's picture

wow Thanks!

SamyC's picture

How to do a sweet video with only few hours of flight. Great Job

afischba's picture

San Diego is in the most south west corner of California! You guys are always welcome out. Get in contact with me if you do! I would be happy to show you around the San Diego fly sites! The acro seen is very small over here in the states, we're lonely :)

theo's picture

Hey Guys ! :)

Where is this place ? :) Would be happy to visit some days!
