Help me with this Stupid difficult trick: Helico


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Hi, please help me. I´m recently did my first heli and I know it takes a lot of time and patience to learn this trick but right now I´m stuck and don´t see any progression so I highly appreciate any advice from you.
I feel like I´m good in parachutal but as soon as I start the rotation it oscillates. So am I good in parachutal or should I brake more? I breaking too much? am I starting the rotation with too much input or not enough input?
How do I correct the oscillation, is there a simple rule? Every time I try to correct the oscillation, it seams to get worse. And as soon as I do some input on the outside brake it stops immediately and falls into a backfly. Please help!!!!

Thank you for your support!

Latest Comments

slyski's picture

I can confirm, FS3 is great for helicos and helico combos, it also has great glide ratio.
You will have a lot of fun on it Martini!

acro_guru's picture

It is interesting to read that not all tricks can be easily or successfully done with one wing. Here there are around 25 tricks mentioned under Tricks webpage. Does anyone know which glider allows/facilitates in doing maximum number of tricks?

Martini's picture

Thanks guys! I tried many different techniques, I tried weightshift to the positive side but the wing starts oscillating a lot and exits immediately. I talked to many people now and indeed this wing was not built to do those maneuvers. The Infinity 4 is a safe and fun wing for beginners but that´s all. I already made my choice, my next wing will be the freestyle 3 22 because of the good stall behavior. I still have a RedOut 19 in the shelf but it´s to aggressive for my low homespot (150 m), also Simon Winkler told me it´s not very nice for helis either.
Anyway thank you very much for you help and patience, I was quite desperate and annoyed that day and thought it was my fault.

Safe Landings!!

Brutolf's picture

I was thinking the same but didn't want to comment before anyone else as I've never tried a helico myself yet.

FLO13's picture

Change of wing, this one is not made for helicos!!!
buy an Emilie or a Blackout in big size ( the 2 best gliders actually on the market to have a safe and fast progression ) and keep on working like this the results will come ;)

alexglider's picture

Max, I'm fighting with helico too and, in my case, it got better after I switched my weigh to positive side.
In the beginning I let it to negative side all the time, and it always got out with less than one turn with a SAT-conection-like-configuration. Too keep it in helico, with this weigh-shift, I always had to break the positive side that try to dive and, like you, end up falling into back-fly.
So, I suggest that you enter like you are doing but, after that, try to move your weigh to positive side... and free more the positive break (it will not dive anymore, i think :)
Just my impressions. disagreements are welcome. nice parachutals!