the Transition!


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Pal Takats testing new "stuff" out with his Thriller...

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monkbaaz's picture

in my opinion it's a loop that's "overstretched" on the high point, evolving into mactwist to heli. so: half loop half mac 2 heli

mikesm08's picture

I'm with Lupus on the name, but-
what is the definition of an asschopper? is it like an opposite entry macTwist, like- how does it differ?

konstrong's picture

looelico (loop helico)

lupus78's picture

It's definetly an Asschopter


freestylebraduk's picture

TakatsTwister. ;)

Marvin Ogger's picture


silup's picture

Nice! Flip to helico? :-) It's a tumbling with too much brake isn't it?

minddel's picture

I would call it vertical spin in looping :)

pogozoli's picture

Assatico? :)))

denisa's picture

In fact isn't dynamic at all. Is more like an too late entered asimetric sat to helico

denisa's picture

Dynamic sat to helico?

crazysky's picture

for me it looks like TUMBLEtoHelico - you break the glider th glider quite hard - quite confusing but really cool :D

slawekZgora's picture

For me it looks like huge misty to helico but it was better to see it from the ground

marnix's picture

Interesting, maybe loop to Helico? :)

PalTakats's picture

Coming soon...