too quick out


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just as a reminder to quickly check altitude before quick-outing.

after a long day of flying - i was tired - nothing wanted to work on this flight, messed up the rhythmic, ok - let's try a helico, nope doesn't work either, how about helico to the other side, same problem, and twist!

however here is the important bit:
i threw the rescue relatively low and released one quickout without checking to see how high i was. what i didn't notice (you can partially see it in the video) is that at the moment i released the quickout, reserve and thriller had gone into downplane configuration (i.e. both at the horizon in opposing directions). after releasing the thriller with the quickout i fell under the reserve again in a pendulum motion and just at that point struck the water. the impact was quite hard (it took me a minute or so to be able to breathe again) - and i don't think it would've ended well over land.

moral of the story, just check altitude before quickout-ing! i know this is trivial - but one tends to forget about these things when in a rush.

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jodljochen's picture

Nett wie du beide Bremsen noch in eine Hand nimmst ;-)
Fahr doch mit nach gerlitzen!