BackSysCameraMount from AcrocollectiveFun


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macro's picture

That's a great perspective!

acromarmot's picture

Support! Any information where to get this mount or images to see how it's done would be really great.

BlueTheDog's picture

Can you provide some pictures of the camera mount or a link to buy it, please?

jmcolombo's picture

That is tha best point of view, clearest point of view that I've ever seen... Effin great!

JaroXS's picture

Siema, na youtube nie mogłem skomentować bo jakoś mi nie pozwoliło. Świetne ujęcia i świetne latanie ! Odezwę się wkrótce bo chciałbym ten MOUNT od Ciebie zakupić. Ile to kosztuje?

Hugues's picture

The point of view is awsome!