petlu | deppen


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a little foooooooooolish clip for our team member alex who couldnt join us because of an injury.

Latest Comments

josm's picture

Yes, I had also problems with this video using Firefox. Just tried it in explorer and it worked fine.

ZMercan's picture

Hi Guys,
I `m having trouble watching this foooolish video and the other recent vimeo ones ! The older videos work OK though.

Not sure if it`s only me!! Anyone else having problems?

simon2's picture

nice one :D

Benny's picture

marvin, I'm disappointed. I thought we both agreed to never ever show this to anyone else :D


Gonzo23's picture

Too much Mary Jane

mikesm08's picture

damn Marvin, petlu videos went from u doing rhythmic,heli ,warrior king,Benny,infinity!
to this!
u must have bashed ur head snowboarding ! hahahaha :-))

Marvin Ogger's picture

you know us ay? tht should answer your question.

PalTakats's picture

what is this mess, idiots? :)