Supair Base Harness


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Adam A's picture

It sounds like you've sorted your rescue out which is good. Hopefully it was just an oversight with 1 harness.


FLO13's picture

Hi Guys!
I've just seen your comments, Adam you are right and I didn't saw it before.
As I tell it in the video it was my first opening of the base system and it was the original package from Supair that I bought only 8 mounth ago.
When the spanish pilots helped me to pack it few minutes after the landing I remember that they add 2 elastics in the pod in order to close it with the lines…
After careful consideration, now I'm sure that the problem of my opening come from those elastics that Supair or Adrenalin Base ( I don't know exactly who is packing the rescue in the harness ) forgot to put on the pod.
I have immediately phoned Supair to tell them about this problem and they are going to check if it's only a mistake on my pod or if it's a mistake on all the pods…..
While waiting for their answer I think that it would be sensible to make turn the information so that every people you know who are owning the Base System verify their pod.

tzuk's picture

After the twist you still had chance to open by pooling right insted of left all the time. (Easy to tell from the caoch)

lupus78's picture

Adam is right... Also it's not wise to grab into the line while the canopy is opening

Adam A's picture

Just because it's a base canopy doesn't mean that your guaranteed it will open. This opening could have easily turned into a line over.

Francois's picture

Thats why its a Base canopy 255, 7 cells, it always open... even if you dont fold it !!! but yeah it should be tighter in the Freebag/D bag. Maybe the elastic broke or got hold or not thight enough.

Adam A's picture

That opening to me looks very bad. If you stop the video at 2:16 you'll see the canopy out of the D bag and the lines in a big horse shoe. This is a recipe for disaster. The canopy should be in the bag until line stretch or you could end up with a malfunction. My guess is the the lines weren't stowed correctly allowing the canopy to come out of the bag before line stretch. I wouldn't try this again till it's sorted.
