13 years ago
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Hello form Pokhara, Colin's still on the game, same same but different. Focusing more on tandem acro with certified gliders ( bi golden 2 in this case), and basically making my workpalce a more exciting place to be... for the passengers aswell, they get the fun along the standard ride... Keep it safe, you can't stop ACRO!
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Yeah I have a ducttape roll in my pocket... and on the way 2 the box I strapon the camera. But during flight I keep it loose so I can use all the angles for the photos and videos... Before I was giving the camera to the passengers during acro, but is better like this they can hold on centered better... He he
Hi Colin,
nice flying. Do you mount the camera always in that way? seems to work good.
Hello all you Acro people.
I would like to raise a discussion on the topic of Tandem Aerobatics, considering the balance between safety / fun / passenger response in the regular practice of tandem flying. I have been carefully observing passenger response & psychology on Acro flying in the last 400 flights, and the figures are quite impressive. As to the standard flight conditions in Pokhara, flights of avg 20 mins, I have progressively reached the following figures:
In the last 200 fl:
1. 70% of passengers wanted an acro run at the end of the flight ( over the lake, before final approach 2 landing.
2. 15 passengers (8%) threw up, of which 10 from thermalling and 5 from Acro run.
3. 0 % of passengers regreted doing acro
4. Favourite passenger manoevre: stable Helicopter, followed by SAT (entry, 2 turns, progressive exit), Looping, and wing-over (the least), because they get easily disoriented in W-O.
The manoevres have been always performed over the lake, with sufficent safety altitude, and with automatic inflatatble life vest at hand (in the side pocket). Helico exits only via Fullstall or SAT.
I would very much appreciate if other tandem pilots performing tandem acro regularly on commercial flights would share their experience on the topic, and expand the "common knowledge" for a better, safer and more thrilling passenger (&pilot) enjoyment. RIDE THE SKIES!
see you arround. Colin from Romania.