5 years ago
(1 vote)
Théo de Blic joins NOVA paragliding on a long term deal ! "I am delighted to announce that I have signed a deal with NOVA Paragliders for the upcoming seasons ! It is such a great opportunity for me to fly with this new team and to learn new things. We have already started to work on the new acro wing and it has got a lot of potential ! The glider has everything I want, aggressivity, speed, technicality, everything that I am searching for into my wings ! I will be flying only NOVA wings from now on and will compete in the Acro World tour with this Acro Wing"
Acro wing : NOVA Acro proto
Camera : Mael Jimenez / FPS Production
Editing : Théo de Blic Music : Trap to the Future (L I C E N S E #2789783)
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super bro