Theo paragliding acro


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Theo de blic 14 years old fly with airwave slingshot 17.5m² in st hilaire du touvet

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yellowbird's picture

@ Akira

Akira wrote: "Would you tell the same if it was your kid ?..."

HEHE!!! I guess I'm really the wrong guy to ask that question. Instead of answering I'll let the video's speak for themselves:

I respect your view Patrick, but belive me. If you are going to be a supportive parent you have to realize one thing. If you are going to worry about your kids health for your sake instead of your kids well-being you will loose in the end.

When I left for the first Gulf-War (1991) my mother cried, then she dried here tears away and said. "I'll stop crying and instead be happy on your behalf, after all this is what you want, and if this is what makes you happy I'll be happy too"

This is one of the greatest gifts I ever got from home. "O N E - L I F E - L I V E - I T ! ! "

Stimulating greetings -Mickey- ;)

"In ACRO it's not the speed that kills you, but the lack of it..."

theo's picture

thanks, and for simon2 they are many young acropilots in france and someone are very top !!!
(jeremy bailly, tim alongy, eliot Nochez (fly with morphéus 15 m² )... etc )

terry's picture

wow.. impressive! Nice work Theo!

simon2's picture

I feel old :P
I would be happy if my dad had allowed me to start flying at 11, acro at 13 :)

There are a lot of very young acropilots in france, aren't it?
keep on going!

akira's picture

Would you tell the same if it was your kid ?

I am not saying it is bad, I'd just be a bit worried if it was my kid.

petlualex's picture

best age to start man

yellowbird's picture

At first it seems young, but not everyone are equal. I know of guys in the 30 years that still don't know the difference between left and right.. Some people get mature earlier than others. I've seen very young kids race go-carts at quite high speeds. I know of people that have been flying paraglider for years that would never be able to handle acro.
Cool job Theo, keep it up, live while you can :) RESPECT !!!!!
Vertical greetings -Mickey-

"In ACRO it's not the speed that kills you, but the lack of it..."

akira's picture

Am I the only one to be a little scared by this young age ??

Quicksilver's picture

cool, keep on going man !!