Weatherize 2o12


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I am really happy to present my new edit about my spring 2o12 in France, I tried to give you in this edit a (nice) view about how spring 2012 was (and still is) here, really difficult to fly, most of the time rainy and grey. That's why I called this video Weatherize, because fortunatly I managed to fly between the cloud, the rain, the wind and managed to fly nearly every day (I woke up at 5 a.m every day during 1 week to make finally 6 flights), we could say that I won my fight against the elements this year :-). So as always I hope you'll enjoy it :-)

Big thanks to all my friends who helped me creating this video (Vincent & Tom particularly) and to my sponsor who gave me the level I have today, (don't forget to check their website on the links below they are pretty cool)

Musics are from The Jezabels - A little piece & Gramatik - I'm doing my thang

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