On the way to infinity - Part 2: One step closer


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Training for the infinity tumbling and Mac Twist to helico. Glider: Icaro Nikita 2 size 17. Sponsored by NISSAN, Icaro, Bula and Giro.

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jonmalmberg's picture

Shoots, so much for training... Looks like you nailed the infinite in that run. I just learned to tumble, and the infinite is still a ways out for me.

Congrats.... Jon

skymwing's picture

good job mate looked sweet

HOFFI's picture

Hi Xandi

I have interest for your glide


acrobasti's picture

yess maaan!!!!!!

Fester's picture

sweet icaro team in norway. ove :)

xandi's picture

Great Ove ! Congratulation !!!!! Good work !