12 years ago
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Analysing of the data recorded by our machine, the V.T.R. 1000, I have identified patterns of timing in the INFINITE TUMBLING that generate ROLL composite movement! The idea came, to willingly correct the infinite at the "wrong" moments in order to turn the vertical plane of revolving! The BALERINA was born! So now you can show ALL your infinite sides to the amazed public! And, by the way, when you complete 360 degrees of turning, you actually complete a SPHERE !
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a new video comming soon : The Balerina travels the Globe ( a complete 360 turn of Infinite shooting direction! Balerina 360
Thank you for your positive reinforcement Doug... Now it's the competitional season and the other pilots are all - so - busy with that, but I sincerely hope that once the get a bit o' time they'll take a closer look at this new manoeuve and give their opinion, even try it. Until then... he he... I'l simply be the only one in the world that does it :> :> :>
Yes !!! it is very nice, and i'm very happy that some people bring new thinks in the world of paragliding...i love those who try to go further!!!!!
Congratulation man !!