10 years ago
Åre - Sweden
This site is actually several sites from the same mountain but using the same landing just next to the water.
Most used (lower take off) Hummeln (West, south west, south, southeast, east and northeast.
Transport: Ski lift during summer and winter. Club bus from end of May until the first snow in October. (no car/bus during opening hours of the ski lift).
Other take offs only accessible by ski lifts or gondola.
1000m : Just next to the "1000meter ski lift" 900m height difference.
South wind.
Stötte4: Just below 1000m take off, but better in stronger winds from southeast.
Valvet: For Northwest wind or north.
Vändhjulet/the turningwheel: For northwest wind
Rappet: West and south west.
All take offs will allow you to land at Draklanda. Just next to the water. No trees or anything in between. The club has a rescueboat that is allways in use when training acro over the lake. Sweetwater.