11 years ago
A good training site for over-the-ground training with dynamic lift but as well over the lake of Cavazzo. It's close distance to the popular Gerlitzen site makes it to be a good alternative option for days with south föhn when flying in the Alps might become risky and turbulent. It is also the flying site of the Acromax competition.
The startplace
Accessible by car from Bordano village through a spectacular serpentine road. The take-off is situated directly next to the road. The local club sometimes offers a shuttle service up to launch.
The conditions
As long as the valley wind stays calm there is an opportunity to glide out over the lake to perform acro. Once the valley wind comes in the mountain stays in it's way and created good dynamic lift to climb and make short acro runs in front of the mountain. In general, you should be returning to the hill at 2/3 height of the mountain to catch the lift again and climb back up. ATTENTION: this training option is for experienced pilots only! The mountain side is very wild and therefore landing under the reserve can be very dangerous!
Also, being on the edge of the Alps the valley wind here can get really strong! Do not fly further east from the serpentine road while training and expect strong head wind when heading down to the landing zone!
The landing
For over-the-water training you can land on the shore at the south end of the lake where the river comes in. The size on the landing place can vary a lot depending on the actual water level. Best time to land here with when the outflow mountain wind from the North is still working or before and after the valley wind dominates.