Private acro course with Pál Takáts in Italy


I. 10-15 May 2022 (0 places available)
II. 17-22 May 2022 (0 place available)
III. 24-29 May 2022 (0 places available)

- Maximum 3 participants per group.

- Combining instructional tandem and solo training flights.

- Powered by the Master Acro instructional videos (incl. in the package).

- All focus on Your progression!

- Flying at one of the best training spots on the planet.

- From beginner to professional level.

Click here for all the details.

Acrobatixx 2011 - Jeremy Bailly wins, Pál second, Tim third, Pitocco misses the podium in last moment

Saturday, the final day of Paranoia Acrobatixx brought surprisingly good weather again and we were able to finish 2 more runs, so 5 in total!

The 4th run was won by Pál Takáts (overall 4th) followed by Marvin Ogger, and the french guys Jeremy Bailly (overall 1st) and Tim Alongi (3rd) who were performing steadily at their best till the end. Hernan Pitocco (2nd) finished 6th so just before the final run the scores between the 4 leading pilots got pretty tight...

Acrobatixx 2011 - second day: French guys continue to kick ass!

The second day of Paranoia started with promising weather forecast for the first half of the day. All the wet gliders dried pretty well in the Ice Stadium during the night so the first pilots started around 10 already. After finishing the second task around 2pm. the weather turned to be cloudy and partly rainy, but luckily it stayed good enough to start and complete a third run!

Acrobatixx 2011 - first day

The first run of Paranoia Acrobatixx 2011 was finished today, with 32 solo pilots registered. There were around 80 people registered but many didn't show up thanks to the terrible weather forecast for all the event. It was actually a big surprise of the day that a run could be started and completed. It was rainy all the morning and early afternoon hours, but it finally stopped and the cloudbase lift up. The first run was a restricted announced task where pilots could only choose maneuvers until coefficient 1.8 (most difficult tricks till Tumbling, MacTwist to Helico, Misty to Helico)

AcroJam 2011 - second day

The day started early for the remaining pilots of the first run. At 8:15 they been sent up to the takeoff, where backwind was found again. The wind dummies could take off quickly, but after the wind got stronger, and the competitions pilots stuck up at the mountain top for about 2 hours. Finally the first solo and synchro runs where finished by the afternoon. The solo competition is 26 pilots, and the synchro is 4 teams. On the briefing the pilots and organizers decided to do the secound tund the next day, as it was too late and the conditions weren't ideal.